Olufemi “Femi” Ogundele (he/him/his) became a doctoral student in UC Berkeley's educational doctorate, Leaders for Equity and Democracy (LEAD) in 2021. In his capacity as Associate Vice Chancellor of Admissions & Enrollment at Berkeley, Femi provides vision, strategy and leadership in the recruitment and evaluation at the University of California's flagship campus. He is a member of the Chancellor's Cabinet and oversees the Office of Undergraduate Admission, the Financial Aid Office, the Registrar, the Center for Educational Partnerships, and the Visitor's Center. His vision and leadership in undergraduate admissions outreach initiatives targeting the state’s LGBTQ+, undocumented, underserved and first-generation students have resulted in two of the most ethnically and geographically diverse classes of students enrolled at Berkeley in three decades.
Femi has been successful at building outreach processes and onboarding experiences that have resulted in greater diversity at other universities, including Stanford University and Cornell University. He has developed partnerships with national associations, foundations and organizations to search for the nation’s most promising students, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds in higher education. In addition to his domestic work with diversity, Femi revamped and increased outreach initiatives to students and educators throughout sub-saharan Africa.
His research interests include exploring how minoritized students, their high school resource environment, and the college admission process perpetuate or dismantle racial inequities in higher education.
Femi Ogundele is a first-generation Nigerian American from Corning, New York.