Clery Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports

Notice of Availability

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the University of California, Berkeley publishes an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. This report includes current security policies plus crime and fire statistics for the previous three calendar years. The body of the report also contains contact information for various campus and community resources related to crime prevention and survivor assistance. A digital copy of the report can be accessed via the link on this page, or paper copies are available free of charge at 1 Sproul Hall.

University Policy and Procedures

The University has issued revised interim versions of the SVSH Policy and its implementing frameworks to comply with the California Senate Bill 493, the Department of Education's Title IX Regulatory change, and University clinical setting changes as suggested by the the UC President’s Working Group on SVSH in the Clinical Setting.  They went into effect on January 1, 2022.  These revised interim versions of the SVSH Policy and its implementing frameworks are provided below.